Упражнение 5 на картинке пж



Ответ дал: MiaWolfi


1. What is it? - It's a mouse. - Is it a gray or white mouse? - It's a gray mouse.

2. Are these sweet peaches? - Yes, these are very sweet peaches.

3. What does your sister have? - She has a new apartment.

4. Where are your brothers? - They are at work.

5. Who are these boys? - These boys are my friends.

6. Your coffee with milk? - No, my coffee is not with milk.

7. Are these blue pencils? - No, these are not blue pencils, these are green pencils.

8. Are these pineapples sweet? - No, they are not sweet.

9. Are these girls students? - No, these girls are not students. They are students.

10. They don't have a car, but they have a house.

11. Does the volume have a handle? - No, Tom has no pen, but Tom has a pencil.

12. Are these your chairs? - No, these are not my chairs. These are your chairs.

13. Does Andrey have many friends? - Yes, he has many friends.

14. Tanya and Sasha have a beautiful daughter.

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