Выберите верный вариант модального глагола. Переведите предложения.

I am sorry, I ... (can’t/might/should) have deleted the photos on the computer.
The camera isn’t working. Oh, we ... (must/can/may) have broken it!
One million dollars? You ... (can’t/must/may) be joking!
It is bitter. It ... (must/might/can’t) be honey.
Where is your telephone? – It ... (must/can’t/should) have fallen in the river.
He ... (can/might/can’t) need our help.
Let’s go and ask the children. They ... (may/should/must) know the answer.
This story ... (would/must/might) not be true.
We’re going to Japan tomorrow. – Oh, you ... (can’t/must/can) be excited!
Jack hasn’t arrived yet. His train ... (could/can’t/should) be late.​


Ответ дал: council1975


1. might

2. must

3. must

4. can't

5. must

6. might

7. should

8. might

9. must

10. could


Ответ дал: Soleil79


I am sorry, I ..MIGHT (can’t/might/should) have deleted the photos on the computer.

The camera isn’t working. Oh, we MUST (must/can/may) have broken it!

One million dollars? You MUST (can’t/must/may) be joking!

It is bitter. It CAN’T (must/might/can’t) be honey.

Where is your telephone? – It MUST (must/can’t/should) have fallen in the river.

He MIGHT (can/might/can’t) need our help.

Let’s go and ask the children. They MAY (may/should/must) know the answer.

This story MIGHT  (would/must/might) not be true.

We’re going to Japan tomorrow. – Oh, you MUST (can’t/must/can) be excited!

Jack hasn’t arrived yet. His train COULD (could/can’t/should) be late.​


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