1.02 Complete phrases 1-10 with the verbs in the box. Then listen and check. do go send download pass get get up spend earn stay watch​


noayoung: get bored


Ответ дал: noayoung

Ответ: sent text messages

get bored

do exercise

get up late

download music from the internet

watch TV

stay at home

pass exams

go online

earn money


Ответ дал: nunny

1.02 Complete phrases 1-10 with the verbs in the box.

do go send download pass get get up spend earn stay watch spend time

0 spend time

1 send text messages

2 get bored

3 do exercise

4 get up late

5 download music from the internet

6 watch TV

7 stay at home

8 pass exams

9 go online

10 earn money

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