20. The bed was very uncomfortable. I ____________ very well. (sleep)
21. Fabiola wasn't hungry, so she _____________ anything. (eat)
22. He ____ (travel) through the middle east last year.
23. ____ (they/visit) the Louvre in Paris?
24. She ____ (not/watch) the film yesterday.
25. You __ (call) me tomorrow.
26. I __ (use) the money effectively.
27. They __ (return) as soon as possible. Тт


Ответ дал: cozhek97pa679e


20. The bed was very uncomfortable. I didn't sleep very well.

21. Fabiola wasn't hungry, so she didn't eat anything. (eat)

22. He travelled through the middle east last year.

23. Did they visit the Louvre in Paris?

24. She didn't watch the film yesterday.

25. You will call me tomorrow.

26. I will use the money effectively.

27. They will return as soon as possible.


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