1.Katya cooked borscht yesterday 2. Michael goes to school every day 3. tomorrow will be my birthday Сделать разные типы вопросов СРОЧНО ЧЕРЕЗ 5 МИНУТ АНГЛМИЙСКИЙ


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Katya cooked borscht yesterday.

Did Katya cook borscht yesterday?

Did Katya cook borscht yesterday or 3 days ago?

Katya cooked borscht yesterday, didn't she?

Who cooked borscht yesterday?

When did Katya cook borscht?

Michael goes to school every day.

Does Michael go to school every day?

Does Michael go to school every day or only on Mondays?

Michael goes to school every day, doesn't he?

Who goes to school every day?

How often does Michael go to school?

Tomorrow will be my birthday.

Will tomorrow be my birthday?

Will tomorrow be my birthday or wedding day?

Tomorrow will be my birthday, won't it?

When will my birthday be?

What will be tomorrow?

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