помогите пожалуйста
5 Complete the sentences with words a-g.
1 Some people don't want to study in their country. They want
to study...n
2 At university it's usually easy to make new....
3 When you live away from home, you become more ...
4 Students who don't live at home often live in a hall of ...
5 If you haven't got enough money to pay for your studies you
can apply for a student ...
6 At university, there are lots of clubs that organise
extracurricular ...
7 Universities have gyms, libraries, language centres and
other ...
a abroad
e independent
f friends
b activities
c residence
g facilities
d loan​


Ответ дал: starlight42


1 abroad

2 friends

3 independent

4 residence

5 loan

6 activities

7 facilities

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