family name, address, telephone number
likes and dislikes
date of birth, place of birth, age
character, appearance
7 You meet a boy near the school. He is a new pupil in your class;
a) ask him to answer your questions;
b) tell your best friend all you've learnt about the new boy.
1. What's your name (your surname)?
2. Where are you from? How old are you?
3. Where and when were you born?
4. When is your birthday?
5. What's your address and telephone number?
6. What are your likes and dislikes?
7. How large is your family?
8. What does your father (mother, etc.3) do?
A group of boys and girls is leaving for London. They don't kn
Перевод можно?​


Ответ дал: KobyakovVlad

Да, конечно можно. Имя семьи,адрес,номер телефона, отметка "нравится" и отметка " не нравится",дата рождения, место рождения, рабочий стаж. Далее попробуй сам(-а)!

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