Use words or phrases from the box to complete the sentences.

[afford • balance • rhythm • traditional • valuable • video arcade • weird]

1. One day, my collection of butterflies might be quite _________.
2. I don't know if I can __________ to buy any new stamps for my collection.
3. I prefer __________ songs to modern pop songs.
4. It might sound a bit __________, but in my free time I like to stady grammar.
5. I like music that has a strong __________.
6. I'd like to try gymnastics, but I know I would keep losing my _________!
7. Let's go down to the ______________ and play Alien Invasion​


47q2fui3cv: 7-video arcade
47q2fui3cv: 6-balance 3-traditional


Ответ дал: Lola2555


Valuable, afford, traditional,weird, rhythm, balance,video arcade


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1 valuable

2 afford

3 traditional

4 weird

5 rhythm

6 balance

7 video arcade

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