НОМЕР 1(b), НОМЕР 2​


yaneznayu69: нужен текст или картинка, которая находится вверху.
hasmikbagh14: а какой был у тебя вопрос и по какому предмету?
Аноним: по английскому нужно сделать номер 1 под b, номер 2
hasmikbagh14: я зделала вроди, только на два последних не ответила
Аноним: в номере 1 под б нужно
hasmikbagh14: ок ща посмотрю
Аноним: ок
hasmikbagh14: Beth is Tom's grandmother, She is 67 years old. Sue and Sam are Tom's parents. Sue is 40 years old and Sam is 45 years old. Tom has 2 sistets Kate and Kim. They are twins and they are 8 years old. Tom has uncle. His name is Mike. He is 36 years old. Janet is Tom's aunt, she is 33 years old. Mike and Janet are married. Johmmy amf Gill are Tom's cousins and they are 7 and 11 years old.
Аноним: thx


Ответ дал: hasmikbagh14



Bill's grandma- Beth

Bill's dad -Sam

Bill's mum-Sue

Bill's auncle-Mike

Bill's aunt-Janet

Bill's sisters- Kim and Kate

Bill's cousins-Johnny Gill


Kim and Kate arw twins

Bill's parents are Aue and Sam

Bill's grand parents are Beth and Tom

Mike is Tom's and Beth's son

Sue is Sam's wife

Mike is Janet-s husband

Kim and Kate are Sue's daughters

Аноним: номер 1 под b
Ответ дал: zhoicuv
1. Tom is Bill’s grandfather. He’s 68 years old.
2. Beth is Bill’s grandmother. She’s 67 years old.
3. Sue is Bill’s mother. She’s 40 years old.
4. Sam is Bill’s father. He’s 45 years old.
5. Mike is Bill’s uncle. He’s 35 years old.
6. Janet is Bill’s aunt. She’s 33 years old.
7. Kim and Kate are Bill’s sisters. They are 8 years old.
8. Johnny and Gill are Bill’s cousins. They are 7 and 11 years old.
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