5. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions:1. There is a book … the shelf. 2. There are some flowers … the vase. 3. There is a ball … the table. 4. There were some chairs … the blackboard. 5. The armchair is … the TV set. 6. There is a fridge … the stove and the sink. 7. There is a lamp … the table. . The holi 3days will begin … a week. 9. I am walking … the street. 10. I go … the university every day. 11. … that moment he saw her. 12. There are many flowers … the window sill. 13. We are coming … the room. 14. He was born … the 5th of March. 15. There is a shop … the office.

amirmurzabaev63: A bed.


Ответ дал: polka51

1. in

2. in

3. on

4. next to

5. next to

6. between

7. on

8. in

9. in

10. to

11. In

12. on

13. to

14. on

15. next to

Ответ дал: Аноним

Ответ: with;in, on, on, with, with, on, few, on, to, Is, in, in, on, to.

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