Laura's day Yesterday Laura (get) up at 7 o'clock and (have) a big breakfast. She (walk) to work, which (take) her about half an hour. Laura (start) work at 8.45. She (not have) lunch. She (finish) work at 5 oçlock. She (be) tired when she (get) home. In the evening she (cook) a meal. She (not go) out. Laura (go) to bed at about 11 o'clock, and she (sleep) well.

Аноним: я бы ответила но я это еще не проходила
funnygamesyoung: пон
funnygamesyoung: и я 5 класс они 4
Аноним: спасибо за понимание!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LindseyStirling: гы


Ответ дал: AnahitRad



Yesterday Laura **(got)** up at 7 o'clock and **(had)** a big breakfast. She **(walked)** to work, which **(took)** her about half an hour. Laura **(started)** work at 8.45. She **(didn't have)** lunch. She **(finished)*" work at 5 oçlock. She **(was)** tired when she **(got)** home. In the evening she **(cooked)** a meal. She **(didn't go)** out. Laura **(went)** to bed at about 11 o'clock, and she **(slept)** well.

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