Сочинение по английскому на 3 темы
1 Нравится ли тебе ходить в школу
2 любимый предмет
2 что бы ты изменил в школе
80-120 слов


Ответ дал: kulmishevaasem


Любимый предмет:

Each student has a subject that is given to him most easily. For me it's maths. And I can safely call it a favorite subject. I have many reasons for this. Firstly, at school, I look forward to this subject, even if we have to write a test work. It seems to me that the lessons of mathematics fly by very quickly, to be honest, I don’t have time to get tired or bored, as it sometimes happens in other lessons, when you look at your watch every minute, waiting for a break. Secondly, mathematics is the subject with which I start doing homework when I return from school because it never causes me any difficulties. Thirdly, I take part in various mathematical olympiads and often become a prize winner. Therefore, I often devote my free time to solving various problems and enjoy it. Moreover, I can say that my love of mathematics was inherited from my father. He teaches this subject at the university. But if you think that I turn to him for help at the first difficulty, then you are mistaken. Dad taught me to look for my mistakes and try to find different solutions on my own.


Любимый предмет - математика

Ну если что,можешь написать сама про другую любимую предмет

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