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1. He ______ his father yesterday morning.
A) phones B) is phoning C) phone D) phoned
2. I won’t ______ to class tomorrow.
A) come B) came C) comes D) coming
3. She is going ______ shopping tomorrow.
A) go B) will go C) to go D) goes
4. I ______ home when it started to rain.
A) was walking B) have walked
C) walk D) will walk
5. He has ______ English for three years.
A) learns B) learn C) been learning D) learning
6. They ______ working here for six months.
A) been B) have been C) would D) will
7. How long ______ her ?
A) do you know B) you know
C) you knew D) have you known
8. Who ______ first this morning ?
A) get up B) gets up C) got up D) getting up
9. ______ Peggy happy ?
A) Is B) Do C) Does D) Can
10. John was singing while he ______ a bath.
A) is taking B) was taking C) takes D) take
11. When Peter talks, everybody ______.
A) are listening B) listened C) listen D) listens
12. Policemen often ______ traffic.
A) directing B) is directing C) directs D) direct
13. Buses ______ every ten minutes.
A) runs B) is going C) run D) has gone
14. Good children always ______ their parents.
A) obey B) obeys C) obeying D) has obeyed
15. He usually ______ coffee but today he ______ tea.
A) drank / is drinking B) drunk / drinks
C) drinks / is drinking D) drinks / was drinking
16. I always buy lottery tickets but I never ______ anything.
A) don’t win B) had won C) won D) win
17. The police ______ the thief yet.
A) haven’t caught B) didn’t catch
C) hasn’t caught D) don’t catch
18. I ______ him for five years. I don’t know where he is.
A) didn’t see B) haven’t seen
C) don’t see D) not to see
19. He ______ his leg in a skiing accident last winter.
A) has broken B) broke C) breaks D) was broken
20. Have you seen my ball-point pen anywhere? I _____ for it for ten
A) looked B) was looking
C) am looking D) have been looking

samuraigas6: A)
samuraigas6: B)
samuraigas6: V)


Ответ дал: Akat5uki


1. D.

2. A.

3. C.

4. B.

5. C.

6. C.

7. A.

8. C.

9. A.

10. B.

11. C.

12. D.

13. C.

14. A.

15. C.

16. D.

17. A.

18. A.

19. B.

20. C.


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