29помогите пожалуйста
Choose the correct negative sentence in present perfect.
.Maya has not yet taken out her books.
.Maya have not taken out her books yet.
.Maya has not taken out her books yet.
.His mother has not made dinner so far.
.His mother have not made dinner so far.
.His mother has so far not made dinner.

.I have yet not read the comics.
.I has not read the comics yet.
.I have not read the comics yet.

.He has not tidy up his desk yet.
.He has not tidied up his desk yet.
.He have not tidied up his desk yet.


Ответ дал: flutterrshy

Схема образования Present Perfect в утвердительных предложениях:

  • I / You / They / We + have + V3
  • He / She / It + has + V3

Схема образования Present Perfect в отрицательных предложениях:

  • I / You / They / We + have not + V3
  • He / She / It + has not + V3

Схема образования Present Perfect в вопросительных предложениях:

  • Have + I / You / They / We + V3?
  • Has + He / She / It + V3

1. Maya has not taken out her books yet.

2.  His mother has not made dinner so far.

3.  I have not read the comics yet.

4.  He has not tidied up his desk yet.

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