2 Rewrite the sentences. Put the adverb in the correct place.
1 Dad watches the news on TV. (rarely)
2 Kate isn't so rude. (usually)
3 Mark stays up late. (never)
4 We have bacon and eggs for breakfast. (sometimes)
5 Mrs Green doesn't work on Saturdays. (always)
6 Do you shop at that supermarket? (often)
7 He is late for class. (rarely)
8 Where do you spend Christmas? (usually)​


Ответ дал: Decoration

1 Dad rarely watches the news on TV.

2 Kate usually isn't so rude.

3 Mark never stays up late.

4 Sometimes we have bacon and eggs for breakfast.

5 Mrs Green doesn't always work on Saturdays.

6 Do you often shop at that supermarket?

7 He is rarely late for class.

8 Where do you usually spend Christmas?

ramingadirov06: Точно?
ramingadirov06: От этого зависит все
Decoration: Да. Вариант нижний тоже приемлем.
Ответ дал: sdv0494


1 Dad rarely watches the news on TV.

2 Kate usually isn't so rude.

3 Mark never stays up late.

4 We sometimes have bacon and eggs for breakfast.

5 Mrs Green always doesn't work on Saturdays.

6 Do you often shop at that supermarket?

7 He is rarely late for class.

8 Where do you usually spend Christmas?  


1 Папа редко смотрит новости по телевизору.

2 Кейт обычно не такая грубая.

3 Марк никогда не ложится допоздна.

4 Иногда на завтрак у нас есть бекон и яйца.

5 Миссис Грин всегда не работает по субботам.

6 Часто ли вы делаете покупки в этом супермаркете?

7 Он редко опаздывает на занятия.

8 Где вы обычно проводите Рождество?

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