Составить предложение. Первое слово в предложении пиши с большой буквы, соблюдай знаки препинания! 1 last \ my \ on \ mum \ summer \ was \ holiday \ . 2 ago \ hospital \ was \ Johnny \ years \ the \ at \ two \ . 3 hours \ home \ ago \ two \ I \ wasn't \ at \ . 4 generous \ very \ they \ weren't \ . 5 at \ the \ library \ we \ afternoon \ were \ yesterday \ . 6 they \ were \ together \ happy \ ? 7 Friday \ swimming \ the \ last \ was \ at \ pool \ he \ ? 8 home \ were \ at \ the \ children \ ? 9 after \ tired \ were \ your \ work \ parents \ ? 10 your \ was \ with \ the \ new \ happy \ car \ grandpa \ ? 11 center \ sister \ shopping \ last \ Saturday \ my \ was \ the \ at \ . 12 yesterday \ with \ me \ morning \ wasn't \ Patrick \ .


Ответ дал: artem10740
1)Last summer my mum was on holiday 2)Two years ago Jonny was at the hospital
3)Two hours ago I wasn’t at home
4)They weren’t very generous
5)Yesterday afternoon we were at the library
6)Were they happy together?
7)Was he at the swimming pool last Friday?
8)Were children at the home?
9)Were your parents tired after work?
10)Was your grandpa happy with the new car?
11)My sister was at the shopping center last Saturday
12)Patrick wasn’t with me yesterday
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