1. Sam _____________ (join) the drama club.
2. They _____________ (not study) all day.
3. She _____________ (cook) dinner all evening!
4. Children __________ (already / been) to Paris.
5. They ___________ (not buy) a new flat yet.
6. Sally and Sue _______ (not read) the detective story all morning.

Раскрой скобки в Present Perfect Continuous и Present Perfect.


Ответ дал: coolunnameduser
  1. Sam has joined the drama club.
  2. They haven't been studying all day.
  3. She has been cooking dinner all evening!
  4. Children have already been to Paris.
  5. They haven't bought a new flat yet.
  6. Sally and Sue haven't been reading the detective story all morning.
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