Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.
Mark: Hi Ann! What 1)..are you doing... (you/do) at the moment?
Ann: Hello Mark! 12)
(try) to finish my project, but my little brother 3) -
(keep) interrupting me.
Mark: Oh really?
Ann: Yes, he 4)
(always/ask) me to help him with his homework!
(get) tired of it.
Mark: I see. Look, a few of us 6)
(meet) at Café Nora for coffee later.
(you/want) to join us?
Ann: Well, my dance class 8)
(start) at 8 o'clock. What time 9) 2.2
(you/go) to the café?
Mark: About 6 o'clock.
Ann: That's great! My class is nearby and I certainly 10)
(need) a break. See you at six.


dreamtatiana: Помогите срочно!


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

2. I'm trying to finish my project,

3. but my little brother keeps interrupting me.

4. Yes, he is always asking me to help him with his homework

5. I am getting tired of it

6. Look, a few of us are meeting at Cafe Nora for coffee later

7. Do you want to join us?

8. Ok, my dance class starts at 8 o'clock

9. What time are you going to the Cafe?

10. I certainly need a break.

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