5 Complete the questions with Do or Does.
Then write short answers.
Does Rihanna come from Barbados?
Yes, she does.
1 ... you study music at school?
2 Beyoncé sing in English?
3 ... you play the trumpet?
4 ... professional musicians
practise every day?
5 ... Victoria Dayneko play the
6 Enrique Iglesias live in England?
помогите пожалуйста ​


Ответ дал: Ivanfckuu
1) Do you study music at school?
Yes, I do.
2)Does Beyoncé sing in English?
Yes, she does.
3)Do you play the trumpet?
Yes, i do.
4)Do professional musicians practice every day?
Yes, they do.
5) Does Victoria Dayneko play the guitar?
Yes, she does.
6) Does Enrique Iglesias live in England?
Yes, he does.
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