4. B. Complete the sentences.Use: Overflowed,Rained,Fell,Blew,Reached,Lit,Travelled,Formed.
1. It`s been months since is last............so the crops are failing.
2. Bolts of lightning......... up the sky throughout the night.
3. Strong circling winds........ over the land destroying everything in their path.
4. Temperatures.........over 40 degrees for days on end.
5. As the snow......... strong winds blew it around the town.
6. Strong winds..........loose sand and dirt across the area.
7. The river.......... and water covered the town`s streets.
8. After winds.......... over the sea,they hit regions along the coast

помогите пожалуйста..​
простите что мало баллов,у меня больше нету...



Ответ дал: ciaromee

1. It's been months since is last rained so the crops are failing.

2. Bolts of lightning lit up the sky throughout the night.

3. Strong circling winds travelled over the land destroying everything in their path.

4. Temperatures reached over 40 degrees for days on end.

5. As the snow fell strong winds blew it around the town.

6. Strong winds blew loose sand and dirt across the area.

7. The river overflowed and water covered the town`s streets.

8. After winds formed over the sea, they hit regions along the coast.

Minavarr: аоаоао, большое тебе спасибо ✨
Minavarr: аоаоао, большое тебе спасибо ✨
Minavarr: ты меня очень выручил(а)
ciaromee: рада помочь)
Minavarr: ✨❣️
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