Write the names of these sports and games.
1) The sport of someone who swims; 2) the sport of going on horseback;
3) the game with two teams of 6 players each who play on an ice field;
4) the sport of fighting with fists!; 5) the game for two people who use
rackets, a small ball and a low net; 6) the sport of climbing mountains;
7) the sport which is a type of skating in which you have to jump and
move round the ice.


Ответ дал: Phoenix65678


1. Swiming (плавание)

2. Horse riding (верховая езда)

3. Hockey (хоккей)

4. Boxing (бокс, скорее всего)

5. Tennis (теннис)

6. Mountain climbing (скалолазание)

7. Snowbording (сноубординг)

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