помогите ничего не понтно
Exercise 2

Choose the correct possessive pronouns.

1. Is this (him / his) book?

2. It's (their / theirs) door, not ( our / ours ).

3. They're new pupils and I don't know (their / theirs) names.

4. (Му/ Mine) flаt is bigger than (him / his), but (him / his) is nicer.

5. That's not (my / mine) CD. (Му / Mine) is new.

6. We took (their / theirs) skateboards and they took (our / ours).

7. Is this pencil case (her / hers)?

8. Is this (his/ him) house or (her / hers)?


Ответ дал: POikilo


Не уверена в решении на 100 процентов, но мне кажется что оно правильное


kladcenkovaleria647: это правильно?
kladcenkovaleria647: заранее благодарю
POikilo: думаю да
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