Употребите частицу to, если необходимо.
1. ... be or not ... be — that is the question. 2. Why ... worry? ... be happy! 3. My aim is ... study English. 4. Don’t make your child ... eat too much. 5. Tom was made ... play the piano. 6. His dream is ... learn driving. 7. I have ... go home. 8. Should I ... write it down? 9. They let a stranger ... come in. 10. The stranger was allowed ... stay for the night. 11. I noticed my children... fall asleep. 12. Let him... stay with us. 13. She made me ... laugh. 14. Why not ... have a snack? 15. She wants all her friends ... come to her birthday. They are easy ... deal with. 16. I must ... go right now. The work must... be done. I am ... be at work at 9 sharp. 17. We are happy ... see you here. 18. What I need is ... relax. 19. Shall we ... start the conference? 20. It’s so difficult ... take everything easy!


Ответ дал: Liudmila0220


1. To ...to... 2. - . - ! 3. ... to... 4. ...to... 5. to... 6. to... 7. to... 8. - 9. to... 10. to... 11. - 12. to 13. to 14. to 15. to 16. - 17. to 18. to 19. - 20. to


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