/. Выбери подходящее по смыслу слово: 1. The person who sings is a ... . a) vet b) singer c) sportsman 2. The person who plays in films is an ... . a) writer b) engineer c) actor 3.The person who helps people when they are ill is a ... . a) doctor b) composer c) teacher 4.... is the London home of the queen. a) Big Ben b) Hyde Park c) Buckingham Palace 5. The capital of the United Kingdom is ... . a) England b) Oxford c) London 6. At science lessons pupils do experiments and learn about.... a) nature b) sport c) computers 7. Do you ... English? a) tell b) speak c) spend 8.Let's ... a picnic at the weekend. a) play b) arrange c) dance 9.They are a typical Russian ... : a father, a mother, two children. a) city b) gallery c) family 10.There are many endangered ... all over the word: the African elephant, the giant panda, the black rhino and others. a) animals b) sights c) projects


Ответ дал: Mariyka21


1. The person who sings is a singer. 2. The person who plays in films is an actor 3.The person who helps people when they are ill is a doctor. 4. Buckingham Palaceis the London home of the queen. 5. The capital of the United Kingdom is London 6. At science lessons pupils do experiments and learn about nature. 7. Do you speak English? 8.Let's arrange a picnic at the weekend. 9.They are a typical Russian family: a father, a mother, two children.  10.There are many endangered animals all over the word: the African elephant, the giant panda, the black rhino and others.


iosivvostpicov: mariyka21 у тя есть инстаграм
Mariyka21: есть, а тебе зачем?
iosivvostpicov: ну просто
iosivvostpicov: поговорить
iosivvostpicov: помоги зделать еше одно историю
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