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My impressions about my favourite trip.
Not long ago I went to
I saw
I visited
On the whole,
I took it
I think


Ответ дал: Аноним


My impressions about my favorite trip.

Not long ago i went to museum

I saw very big layout of a t-rex dinosaur.

I visited the "history of the human" room in museum

On the whole i liked that, but i like dinosaurs more. and i saw a free badge with "i love dino" on it

I took it, and wear it any time possible in school to make my friends see that i like dinosaurs.

I think that trip was great!

Аноним: Надеюсь я помог(;
elizabetochka7: Спасибо большое)))
Аноним: можете ли вы сделать ответ лучшим? мне для умного статуса надо еще 3 лучших ответа(:
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