Mark Twain, the famous American author, (0) was well known (to know) as a lecturer, and literary clubs often (1) __________ (to invite) him to speak. Before one of his lectures a club member (2) __________ (to come) up to him and said,
“Mr. Twain, people (3) __________ (to say) that you can tell very funny stories. I hope that during your lecture you (4) __________ (to make) my uncle (5) __________ (to laugh). He (6) __________ (not to laugh) for ten years.”
“I’ll do my best”, Mark Twain said.
At the beginning of his lecture, Mark Twain (7) __________ (to notice) the club member who (8) __________ (to sit) in front of him with an old sad man.
Mark Twain (9) __________ (to begin) (to tell) jokes, one after another, long jokes and short jokes, new jokes and old jokes. Soon everybody (10) __________ (to cry) with laughter. Everybody – but not the old man. He (11) __________ (to look) at Mark Twain with his cold blue eyes. Mark Twain (12) __________ (to ashame).
After the lecture, the club member (13) __________ (to thank) Mark Twain because he (14) __________ (never to hear) so many funny stories.
“They (15) __________ (not to be) funny enough for your uncle. He (16) __________ (not even smile)!” Mark Twain (17) __________ (to answer).
“I’d like to thank you and say again my uncle (18) __________ (not to laugh) for ten years. I want you to know he (19) __________ (not to hear) anything for ten years. He (20) __________ (to be deaf).”

Mark Twain, the famous American author, (0) was well known (to know) as a lecturer, and literary clubs often (1) __________ (to invite) him to speak. Before one of his lectures a club member (2) __________ (to come) up to him and said,

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Ответ дал: jhaani

1) invited

2) came

3) say

4) will make

5) laugh

6) has not been laughing

7) noticed

8) was sitting

9) began to tell

10) were crying

11) was looking

12) was ashamed

13) thanked

14) had never heard

15) were not

16) has not even smiled

17) answered

18) has not been laughing

19) has not heard

20) is

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