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1)They --------                 (just / to see ) an exhibition.
2) ------ you -------- (ever / to visit ) a corcus ?
3) We --------- (not / to go ) to the Art gallery yet .
4) --------he------ (adready / to watch) the educational programme on television ?
5) Kate -------- (  (just / to see ) different wild animals in the Zoo.
6) We--------- (newer / to be ) in the museum.
7) -------she------- (ever / to watch) a ballet ?


Ответ дал: nunny
1) Theyhave just  seen an exhibition.
2) Have you ever  visited a circus ?
3) We haven't been to the Art gallery yet .
4) Has he adready watched the educational programme on television ?
5) Kate has just seen different wild animals in the Zoo.
6) We have never been in the museum.
7) Has she ever   watched a ballet ?

Ответ дал: мерелин

1.They have just seen an.... 2.Have you ever visited...?3.We have not been to....4.Has he already watched...?5.Kate has just seen ....
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