Вставить артикль ,помогииитеее
1. Benches were located on... 25 centimeters from the ground. 2. Don't forget to buy... a bag of orange juice for dinner. 3. He drove his car with... a constant speed of 70 miles per hour. 4. Water boils at... 100 degrees Celsius. 5. She thinks the money's more like... flock of migratory birds. 6. Please hold on... ten meters from the car in front of you. 7. Mrs. Jackson was... a woman... of a certain age. 8. At the cafe, he ordered... food, and then... cappuccino cup. 9. She was wearing... a dress made of thin dark fabric. 10. Peter still owes me... a pack of cigarettes. 11. Steve Williams, a 77-year-old pensioner, was brutally assaulted Wednesday night.


Ответ дал: yarik2581
Articles funny’s now we go through a lot and it will go away from my house to get a little more of what they
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