Insert demonstrative pronoun: 1) ... article is easy and ... one is difficult. 2) Pass me ... magazines. Thank you. 3) ... boy is fond of music and his dream is to become pianist. 4) Who is ... little girl at the window. 5) ... books are mine and ... yours. 6) Are ... men over there your friends? 7) ... flowers are beautiful, aren’t they? 8) Leave ... two dictionaries on my table and take ... books on the table over there to the library. 9) ... picture is framed and ... one is not. 10) ... roof is red and ... one is green.


Ответ дал: Аноним

1 this, that

2 that

3 this

4 that

5 these, those

6 those

7 these

8 these - those

9 this -that

10 this, these.

Ответ дал: nunny

Insert demonstrative pronoun:

1) This article is easy and that one is difficult.

2) Pass me those magazines. Thank you.

3) This boy is fond of music and his dream is to become pianist.

4) Who is that little girl at the window.

5) These books are mine and those are yours.

6) Are those men over there your friends?

7) These flowers are beautiful, aren’t they?

8) Leave these two dictionaries on my table and take those books on the table over there to the library.

9) This picture is framed and that one is not.

10) This roof is red and that one is green.

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