5. Выберите правильный модальный глагол.

1) Kevin always boasts that he (can/may) swim best of all his friends.

2) Officer,(could/may) you help me? I'm looking for Castle Street.

3) How many English words (can/may) you remember in one go?

4) At last they (could/were able to) see the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.

5) (Can/May) we have cucumber salad and roast beef, waiter?

6. Выберите правильный предлог и форму глагола.

1) (Is/Are) the money in the bag? – 2) No, I've put (it/them) in the drawer.

3) Your new clothes (is/are) on the bed. 4) Why don't you put (it/them) on?

5) The traffic lights (is/are) a set of coloured lights used for controlling and directing traffic.

6) (It/They) (is/are) widely used in modern cities.​


Ответ дал: heroina777


1) Can



4)were able to

5)may помоему, тут спорное can тоже может быть

6) 1.Is 2.them 3.is 4.them 5.is 6.they/are

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