Написать 7-10 предложений о школьной форме своей мечты


Ответ дал: iv258800


"School uniform of my dream."

Now it is very popular to enter school uniform in schools. But pupils do not always like it, so I decided to tell about perfect uniform for me. First of all, it should be comfortable. If your clothes are uncomfortable, you can't concentrate on your study. Next thing is, of course, appearance. If you do not like, how do you look like, you also can not concentrate. However, as far as I am concerned, we do not need school uniform. Everyone wants express himself, and school uniform doesn't have this opportunity. So, wear what you like.

Ответ дал: misskriss20000


I dream that the school uniform will be free. So that the color of the school uniform is not important what you want and olevy, I want the whole uniform to be very comfortable. Not to mention physical fitness: shorts-pants are comfortable for running, sneakers or socks.

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