There are four seasons in a year. They are winter, spring, summer and autumn. Every season has its weather. In winter it is cold and snowy. Everything is white with snow.
Spring is a warm season. The trees are green. The sun shines and the birds sing.
Summer is a nice season. There are many flowers in the gardens. Children have summer holidays. People go on picnics.
Autumn is cool, foggy and rainy. It rains several times a day. There are often winds. The trees are yellow

How many seasons are there in a year?
What are they?
What is the weather in winter?
What are the trees in autumn?
What do people do in summer?


Ответ дал: zhannurassylbek
1 there are four seasons in a year
2 they are winter , spring, summer, winter
3 in winter it is cold and snowy
4 the trees are yellow
5 in summer people go on picnics
Ответ дал: asemkaa21

1)There are four seasons in a year.

2)They are winter, spring, summer and autumn

3)Cold and snowy

4)The trees are yellow

5)People go on picnics.

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