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Рассказ My clothes style (my view on fashion and shopping; my clothes at school, at home, on special occasions)​


Ответ дал: maryamxalil
I love looking smart, but casual. I like to dress according to my mood, in the winter months, I mostly wear darker clothes, but in the summer, I like clothes that are a bit brighter. I never really wear skirts, I prefer trousers but I love dresses! I never wear heels as I can't walk in them, I love my flats, boots and trainers!

I wear a bit of makeup most days, it only takes me a minute to achieve my makeup look! I mostly wear my hair down, as I look horrible with my hair up! I am very different in terms of clothing to the rest of my friends, but that is what makes me individual. I love searching for vintage items, one-of-a-kind pieces. I am a sucker for a bargain, I love the christmas sales! I don't wear much jewellery, never wear rings, but I like wearing bracelets and necklaces!

My favourite items in my wardrobe at the moment has to be my lovely black patterned dress with bows that was reduced to £18 and my cuddly cream knit cardigan.
Ответ дал: gulshanabdieva1



Мой стиль одежды ( мой взгляд на моду и покупки; Моя одежда в школе, дома, в особых случаях ).

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