2. Закончите предложение подходящим по смыслу словом

driving nationality twins deserts capital credit wavy north slim middle late rivers

1. Russia is a beautiful country with lots of seas, ………. and lakes.
2. In Africa there are a lot of ………. .
3. What ………. is he? – He’s French.
4. My grandparents are in their ………. sixties.
5. Has Dan got a ……… licence?
6. Laura has two brothers. They are ………. .
7. Helen is tall and ………. with short dark hair.
8. London is the ………. of Britain.
9. Her mother is a ……….-aged woman.
10. Milan is in the ………. of Italy.
11. Kate’s hair is long and ………. .
12. Kim has got two ………. cards.​


Ответ дал: whereismyflower


1. rivers

2. deserts


4. late

5. driving

6. twins

7. slim

8. capital


10. north

11. wavy

12. credit


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