3.5. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в форму Present Continuous. и Пример: Come in! We (play) tennis. Come in! We are playing tennis.
1. I (go) home now.
2. My baby (try) to attract attention.
3. Look, Larry (play) with matches! Put them away!
4. They (discuss) the situation. hadid,
5. My brother is busy. He (get) ready for his last examination. Don't disturb him!
6. I (drive) the car!
7. The bride (sit) comfortably on the sofa. 3
8. Come on! The bus (wait)!
9. Andrew and Elizabeth (get) married at the moment. топу с 10. Wind (blow) heavy, aston) 11. They are busy. They (build) the Trade Center now. 12. We (fly) too fast. I'm afraid! он 13. Shhh! The baby (sleep). 14. The wound (bleed) heavily. гионтило.) 15. Come in! We (cut) the cake. 16. The computer is occupied now. A student (type) his graduation works. 17. My mother (rest) in her room, Don't disturb her. 18. The trainer (explain) the task for us. 19. Where's Ann? - She (clean) her room. No


Ответ дал: Shaxzodailkhomova03
1) I am going ...
2) my baby is trying
3) Larry is playing
4) they are discussing
5) he is getting
6)I am driving
7)the bride is sitting
8) the bus is waiting
9 are getting ,
10is blowing
11 Are building
12we are flying
13 baby is sleeping
14is bleeding
15we are cutting
16A student is typing
17 is resting
18 is explaining
19 she is cleaning

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