Задание: Read the following idioms about weather and match them with their meanings.

1) green winter
2) it's raining cats and dogs
3) in all weathers
4) rain or shine
5) fine weather for ducks
6) holiday season
7) in the dead of winter
8) a break in the weather
9) Indian summer

а) the time of the year when many people want to have holidays
b) whatever the weather is like
c) rainy weather
d) mild, snowless winter
e) a short period of good weather
f) a short period of good weather in autumn
g) in all types of weather
h) it is raining very hard
i) in the middle of winter​


Ответ дал: bahh0037


1. D

2. H

3. B

4. F

5. G

6. C

7. I

8. E

9. A


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