You are asking someone about things be has done in his life. Use the words in
brackets to make your questions.
Example: (you ever / be/ to Italy?) Have you ever been to Italy?
1. (you ever / be /to South America?)
2. (you/read/any English books?)
3. (you/live/in this town all your life?)
4. (how many times / you/be/ in love?)
5. (what's the most beautiful country yor/ ever / visit?)
6. (you ever / speak/to a famous person?)


Ответ дал: nabiyax
1) Have you been to South America?
2) Have you read any English books?
3) Have you lived in this town all your life?
4)How many times have you been in love?
5)What’s the most beautiful country have you ever visited?
6) Have you ever spoken to a famous person?
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