Соченение по английскому на тему моя школа 10 предложений, срочно даю 30 баллов​


Ответ дал: llyntya


I am going to tell you about my school. My school is new and modern and I like it very much. It has three floors. The classrooms are light and spacious. There are classrooms for different subjects, such as English, History, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, Biology Literature etc.

There is a computer class in our school. We study computer science here. The computer class has the most modern equipment and the Internet access.

We’ve also an assembly hall, which is situated on the second floor. Meetings, conferences, concerts and all the celebrations take place here. We prepare different performances for all holidays. We sing songs, recite poetry, dance, and participate in theatre performances.My school so good!

Ответ дал: bogdankotolup83


My school is very big and not very old with its traditions. It is named after V.V. Mayakovski. On the ground floor there are several classrooms of English for the Primary school and workshops, a cloakroom and a canteen, a library and a headmaster office. There are a lot of interesting books in the library. In the library there are many portraits of famous Russian writers on the walls. Our school has two PT classrooms. One of them is situated on the underground floor. This PT classroom is smaller than another one, which situated between the ground and underground floor. This PT classroom is very useful for our students. And in our canteen room we always buy very tasty cakes.

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