9. . ... you ... visit your grandparents?
a. Are //go
b. Are // go to
c. Are //going to
d. Do //going to
5. What ….. in the room now?
a. they are doing
b. are they doing
c. do they do
d. they do
10. They … their parents after Christmas.
a. don’t phone
b. shall not phone
c. won't phone
d. will phone not
7. I _____ very surprised because all my books _____ on the floor.
a. was // was
b. were // were
c. was // were
d. were // was
3. I’m afraid … no water in the bottle.
a. there is
b. there are
c. there isn’t
d. there aren’t
8. Mum … any gifts yesterday.
a. didn’t bring
b. doesn’t bring
c. not brought
d. didn’t brought
2. This book is … and … than that one on the left.
a. cheaper, more beautiful
b. more cheap, more beautiful
c. more cheap, beautiful
d. cheaper, beautifuler
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Ответ дал: juuluzzz


9 c

5 b

10 a

7 c

3 a

8 a

2 a


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