Write a letter to your English friend James. Answer four questions of his:
1.Why is it important to have a job?
2.What should you do to get a well-paid job after graduating from university?
3.What do you want to be in the future?
4.What qualities will you future job require?
Remember the rules of letter writing.
Write 100-150 words.
Be ready to hand in the composition on Monday. Write the letter on a sheet of paper.


Ответ дал: saparbeknurasyl36


Hi James?

How are you How with your mood.

I played football here one day

Ответ дал: rakhimjanov04
Вот тебе письмо рада было помочь :)
Не забудь поблагодарить , и сделать меня лучшим ответом
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