Task 2
Put each verb in brackets 23–39 in the correct tense and voice forms. The first one is done for
уои. (Время выполнения: 10 мин., 17 баллов за задание)
An old school friend
When John (0) saw
(see) the large crowd which (1)
(gather) in the street, he wasn't sure at first what (2)
(happen). There were
so many people blocking the entrance to the hotel, that he (3)
(have to
push) his way through them to get to the door. At the door he (4)
two policemen who (5)
(try) to hold the crowd back. "What on earth (6)
(go) on?' he asked them. Then John noticed that some of the crowd (7)
(hold) placards which read, 'We (8)
(love) you, Sally. Of
course, that was it. Sally Good was a footballer, the first woman to play for England.
Although John wasn't really interested in sport he (9)
(decide) he
_(join) the crowd and wait until she (11)
(appear). About
ten minutes later, a smiling woman appeared and waved to the crowd. John (12)
(take) completely by surprise when she (13)
(take his arm and
(say), '(15)
(you remember) me? I (16)
(be) the girl who (17)
_(use) to sit next to you at school.
1. 0 saw


Ответ дал: Sevinch123456789

Ответ:2 gathered 3 happened 4 had to pushed 5 found 6 tried 7 go 8 held 9 loved 10 decided 11 joined 12 appeared 13 took 14took his arm and said 15 remember 16 am 17 used


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