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Ответ дал: fRoGtop1GG


-Excuse me, could you tell me  how can I find this address?

- Let me have a look… Yes, of course, I know this house.

- Oh, I have luck! I can't find it for two hours.

-Aren’t you a native dweller? Have you come here recently?

-Yes, I’ve come on a mission and I really have to  carry out a personal charge.

-This house is not far from mine, that’s why it’s familiar to me. You need take  bus number 201.

-Will it take a lot of time to get there?

-No, only four stops. You will get off at  “Park Avenu” stop.

-And where shall I do then?

-You will be in front of the crossroad.  Go straight along the main road for another two blocks and then turn to the right.

-Shall I cross the road?’

- No. Keep always the right side. Next you will see a large store. This is a supermarket. By the way, if you need to buy something, you can surely go there. This is the best shop in that area.

- Thanks for advice. I will сertainly do it.

-So, passing by the store, you will see a two-storey  grey building. This is the house you need. If I'm not mistaken, the entrance is directly opposite the store.

- Thanks a lot! Now I will surely find the address I need!

-Not at all. Can I help you with anything else?

- Yeah, if you can, just tell me where the nearest pharmacy is.

-Are you unwell? Shall I call an ambulance?

- No, thank you, you are so kind. I was a little cold yesterday and today I feel sick. I want to buy some pills for the cold.

-Of course, there's a very good pharmacy not far from here. You will find there everything you need. Just turn left the corner and go for one block. The pharmacy can’t be missed. It’s a small colorful building with a beautiful sign on it.

- Thank you a lot for the help. Good bye.

- Good bye. Good luck.

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