1. (96-6-22) Choose the appropriate form
of the verbs.
The Browns ... out of town last Sunday and
a good time there.
A) were going / had
B) went are having
C) went/had
D) are going / were having
E) goes / has
2. (96-6-80) Choose the appropriate form
of the verb.
The new film ... in all the big theatres of
Tashkent now.
A) is demonstrated
B) was being demonstrated
C) is being demonstrated
D) would be demonstrated
E) had been demonstrated
3. (96-12-76) Choose the appropriate
form of the verbs.
Look! There ... a man sitting at the first table
near the door. He ... at us.
A) was / looks
B) had been/looked
C) were / had looked D) is / is looking
E) is/was looking
4. (96-15-181) Choose the appropriate
form of verb.
He can't disturb him now. He
A) operate
B) will operate
C) has operated D) is operating
E) operates
5. (97-2-22) Choose the appropriate form
of the verbs.
The children ... their hands and they
lunch now.
A) are washing/ are having
B) have washed / are having
C) wash / have
Dywashed / are having
E) wash / have had​


Ответ дал: Decoration


  1. The Browns went out of town last Sunday and had a good time there.
  2. The new film is being demonstrated in all the big theatres of  Tashkent now
  3. Look! There is a man sitting at the first table  near the door. He is looking at us.
  4. He is operating
  5. The children have washed their hands and they are having lunch now.
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