1. He ____ (not, understand ) why she _____(cry) now.

2. My daughter _____(think) of buying a new house.

3. She ____(like) table tennis.

4. Why ____ you (not, listen) to me??? What ____ you (think) about?

5. Anna ___ always (lose) her keys! It’s so annoying.

6. This dress ____ (cost) 10 thousand! It’s so expensive!

7. My parents _____ (come) back home this Friday.

8. I ____ (go) to Berlin in a week.

9. This flower _____ (smell) great.

10. Messi ____ (lead) the ball and ___(score) a point.

11. In summer the flowers _____(bloom) and the sun ___ (shine) a lot.

12. My mother always ____ (watch) TV because she ___ (get) really tired.

13. Our lessons ____(start) at 8:00.

14. This summer they _____ (live)in the Crimea but then, they will come back home.

15. Why ____ you always ____ (call) me at night? Don’t you understand it annoys me!


Ответ дал: Zefir15


  1. He doesn't understand why she is crying now
  2. My daughter is thinking of buying a new house
  3. She likes table tennis
  4. Why aren't you listening to me??? What are you thinking about?
  5. Anna is losing always her keys! It's so annoying
  6. This dress costs 10 thousand! It's so expensive
  7. My parents are coming back home this Friday
  8. I'll go to Berlin in a week
  9. This flower smells great
  10. Messi leads the ball and scores a point
  11. In summer the flowers bloom and the sun shines a lot
  12. My mother always watches TV because she gets really tired
  13. Our lesson starts at 8:00
  14. This summer They live in the Crimea but then, they will come back home
  15. Why do you always call me at night? Don't you understand it annoys me
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