Перепишите предложения, вставляя вспомогательные глаголы shall или will.
1. The boys...bring flowers and put them on the table. 2. They...take part in the concert. 3. It...sinow very soon. 4. We...not have a music lesson at school today. 5. He...go up to the eighth form next year. 6. ...you stay at home in the evening? Yes, i... .
Очень нужно!!!​


Ответ дал: eddietawer06

1. The boys will bring flowers and put them on the table.

2. They shall take part in the concert.

3. It shall snow very soon.

4. We will not have a music lesson at school today

5. He will go up to the eighth form next year.

6. Will you stay at home in the evening?

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