Past perfect and past simple

Choose the correct forms.

Example: Our clothes *had been / were* wet because it had rained/ rained.

1. I *hadn’t left / didn’t leave* England until I *had gone / went* to Spain last year.

2. The teacher *had been / was* angry because Kate *hadn’t done / didn’t do* her homework.

3. When I *had got / got* on the bus, I discovered that I *forgot / had forgotten* my money.

4. The school *had been / was* quiet because all the students *had gone / went* home.​


Ответ дал: alisa10potter


1. I hadn’t left  England until I  went to Spain last year.

2. The teacher  was angry because Kate hadn’t done  her homework.

3. When I had got on the bus, I discovered that I forgot my money.

4. The school had been quiet because all the students went home.​

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