1. how well do you rules of reading? which of the words in each line is it Odd One Out?
[ae] cat , cattle , cabbage , Last , dragged
[a:] large , scratch , jar, farmer, pass
[^] mother , nothing , angry , funny
[t] laughed , scratched , spilled , passed
[d] happened, called , walked , lived , dragged
2. In each of the words below two letters are missing. Insert th or gh and read the words aloud:
1 no__ing
2 wea__er
3 Lau__ed
4 nei__bour
5 ano__er
6 si__t
7 mo__er
8 dau__ter
9 fa__er


Ответ дал: sanzharaenglish
1) nothing
2) weather
3) Laughed
4) neighbour
5) another
6) sight
7) mother
8) daughter
9) father
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