• Предмет: Литература
  • Автор: mirzoyeva0616
  • Вопрос задан 2 года назад

дз по ангийскому книга поткоторому снят фильм (даю максимальный бал)​

zinaida3030: Рассказ нужен?
mirzoyeva0616: даааа
mirzoyeva0616: помогите пожалуйста


Ответ дал: zinaida3030


The Fault in Our Stars


The film "The Fault in Our Stars" is popular with many film enthusiasts, most of whom have read the book of the same name by John green. It is insanely difficult to objectively evaluate this film without breaking down on the emotions that overwhelmed when viewing, and are still very fresh in my memory. I consider it necessary to note at once that I did not read the book - which I do not regret at all. It is, of course, not in the quality of the author's work - it, like his other creations, "In search of Alaska", "Paper cities", etc., is simply excellent (do not consider such views for youthful maximalism). But if I had read the book, I would not have watched the movie, because I would not have been able to pass through my feelings again this heartbreaking story.

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