1. Read the letter and mark the sentences | -4 T (true) or F (false). Dear Cathy, Hi! I'm Irina Somova and I'm 12 years old. I'm from St Petersburg, Russia. Here is a photo of my family. My parents' names are Sergei and Maria. My dad is tall with fair hair. My mum is slim with long hair. I haven't got a sister but I've got a brother. We're twins. His name's Max. Olga is myaunt. She is my mother's sister. She's a nurse and she's married to Pavel. They've got a son. Mygrandparents are in their late sixties. They live in Pskov. Well, that's all about me and my family. Please write soon and tell me about your family. Send a picture! Bye for now, Irina l) Irina's familylives in Pskov. 2) Irina's dad has got fair hair. 3) Olga is Pavel's wife. 4) Irina's grandmother is sixty years old.


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