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Ответ дал: syxgexhduxh7


The parrot is a very colourful and beautiful bird. It has red curved beak and strong legs that end with four toes. Its feathers are green. Some of parrots have red feathers at the top. There is a black ring around the neck of it. It lives in the hollows of trees. It builds nest and lays its eggs in it. It eats grains, fruits, leaves, seeds and boiled rice too. It is fond of fruits such as mangoes, nuts, pears, etc.It flies very fast and often flies in flocks. Parrot s is an intelligent bird. It is able to imitate human voice. Many people train parrots to do wonderful things. There are around 353 different species of these lovely, brightly feathered birds in the world. On average, small pet parrots like budgies live about 10 years.

Ответ дал: karina4220
Hello my Name Is ____. I want to tell you about my pet parrot. this breed ___ .his (her) name ____ him (her) ___ years. he (she) likes to play the bell and likes to sing loudly and noisily. when we bought him (her) she (he) was still very young. (Прости если что-то не правильно написала:))

iloveyoursellff: Спасибо все отлично мне 5 поставили
karina4220: Ооо круто:)) не зачто :3
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